>>6139016>>6139110I was so excited for a new wrestling promotion that seemed to bridge the gap between western "larger than life" rasslin' storylines and eastern work-rate sports-like matches that I actually convinced myself to overlook the tranny stuff. Once they got going, it seemed to be a non-issue (Sonny disappeared fast enough, Nyla faded away). Then Punk had to wear his uterus shirt. Then Hangman had to wear his groomer gear because they were in FL. Then Punk had to wear ANOTHER more confrontational shirt, picking an unrelated fight for no reason. Now they trot Sonny back out for these "gender fluid trans feminine" ads. I went from someone who couldn't wait for Dynamite every week, who dvr'd and watched Rampage, who bought tix as soon as they went on sale in my area, to having Dynamite on in the background, only occassionally watching a match from Rampage if it sounded good, and ignoring the last 2 on-sales with no plans to return to an event. I tried to shrug off all of the combative leftist bullshit and ignore it, but they want to keep shoving it in my face. It hasn't totally run me off yet, but it has destroyed my enthusiasm and I'm just one retard on 4chan. The worst part is, they didn't have to do any of that stuff and it's all unrelated to pro-wrestling, and that part is still good despite the shaky booking of late.