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No.6158531 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>there will never be another legitimate promotion alternative to WWE
>AEW will never launch
>AEW will never sign any meaningful talent
>AEW will never sign a major cable network deal
>No one will blink watch an AEW show
>AEW will never have someone legitimate to put the belt on for their show
>AEW will never go viral or gain popularity
>AEW will never have a successful PPV
>AEW will never sign big names
>AEW will never beat NXT
>AEW will never go mainstream
>AEW will never get a second show
>AEW will never get 1 million viewers
>AEW will never win any WON awards
>AEW will never beat WWE in the demo ratings
>AEW will never sign big ex WWE guys like Punk or Danielson
>AEW will never purchase a huge catalog of a respected wrestling footage
>AEW will never put on the best PPV in decades
-----------> you are here
>AEW will never get a million again
>AEW will never release a mainstream video game