>>6219494"Ace" is the worst drawing champion in NJPW history. He's an artificial legend that Meltzoid drones claim "saved" NJPW when he ruined it both financially and spiritually. His bastardized style of wrestling is terrible, he can't actually fight, and compared to the aces who came before him like Fujinami and Hashimoto, he's a disgrace. There's a reason he took Inoki-sama's picture down in the dojo; it's because he knew Inoki-sama was better than him in every concieveable way. Shibata and Nakamura aren't good by any stretch of the imagination but they're still head and shoulders above Tanahashi; at least thhey can throw kicks. He's at least better than Okada and Ospreay, though. That's not saying much, however, as the former is the most overrated wrestler of all time and the latter is one of the worst wrestlers of all time who killed NJPW beyond ressurection. I miss the days when puroresu was actually good and the wrestlers could actually work.