[17 / 1 / 12]
>"Boy I love Hoodslam. I like going and getting drunk while people who barely respect the art of pro wrestling wrestle for my entertainment. I like chanting things like "fuck the fans" because my opinion doesn't matter. I like when people rip off famous characters in wrestling and make them edgy. Haha Stoner Brothers and Missy High-as-Fuck haha very funny..."
>"No, I have no interest in actually watching a genuine wrestling show. I prefer my wrestling to actually be a comedy show disguised as wrestling. No, don't point out the type of people who run this company you gatekeeping bigot"
>"No, I have no interest in actually watching a genuine wrestling show. I prefer my wrestling to actually be a comedy show disguised as wrestling. No, don't point out the type of people who run this company you gatekeeping bigot"