>>6258357>Max Just buried the buried the company he works for and the 3 year feud with his bodyguard in one promo that aged like milk and hasn't been seen since.
>Page Everything after the 2nd Danielson match was downhill and Punk buried him by winning the belt too soon. Then made to look like a geek in the coming weeks after.
>FTR they were made in nxt
>Sammy and TAY Sammy will forever be a goon, and he ruined the TNT title mid card at best for life. Tay has potential but not with Sammy.
> OCThey will never give him a title or singles push he is only a mascot.
>Darby He was until punk beat him and he's done fuck all except tag with sting on occasion.
>Jade and Dentist Ok yea they were made in aew.