>>6286632jump ship to...? UFC? I could never consider WWE after knowing they can do better from attitude but thanks for your post. TK could get a clue on booking but it's still better for me than WWE.
>>6286735You can listen to recordings from multiple employees of wwe who saw the feud backstage. its universally agreed upon shawn michaels was the biggest asshole diva bitch of all time. talented as hell but a shoot weasel heel. he seems like a cool guy now though but you'd have to turn to God and change once everyone hates you.
>>6286796well we wouldnt know for sure until we run surveys. so we can only speculate. to be fair if america is divided politically down the line it would be a fair to argue the fanbase of aews fanbase mirrors the countrys division much like WWE.
Also while punk has more liberal views than conservative, i don't believe he's evil. Misguided with good intentions maybe. He may support abortions and he may want to be inclusive but I think he wants people to have freedom of choice. i don't agree with abortions but i can see why people support letting people do anything so long as it doesn't violate morality. of course crushing babies with scalpels is evil. so there you go. its not like hes actively doing it kek