Do any other Mayu bros struggle with depression and anxiety? I don't know why but the past few months have been so hard. I've always felt like shit about myself as long as I can remember, but somehow everything just feels more final. Maybe it's the world going to shit at a rapid pace. Maybe it's the trip as few months ago I took to see a girl I love and still do and found out she's a lesbian now, and yet somehow she still seems to care about me more than anyone else I know. Maybe it's the drugs. Maybe it's the lack of sleep. Lack of socialization. Lack of what makes a life actually worth something. Haven't even held a girl's hand in 5 years, so broken I don't even care to try anymore. I'm a good looking guy everyone says, in shape, funny, smart, this, that, but I'm just so fucking weird I don't know if it's aspergers or what but nobody likes socially awkward guys, just come off as some weirdo creep when I just want to feel like everyone else, whatever that means.
Sorry for the blogpost Mayubros. Talk shit if you want, it's fine I deserve it anyway.