>>6425472No, I Don’t think this big ugly bitch ass nigga was sneaking around the tunnels at the arena with two disgusting rats. How do you read the news without being able to parse doublespeak you worked homo? It’s a spin blurb from a company that just got btfo by the sports news cycle for a day. The Cavs didn’t refute it because they don’t care and it’s worded to be technically true. I’m not saying he paid for his ticket, I’m saying Mark Calloway and Dana Warrior were not cut a check to attend the game to entertain the boys backstage. “Paid for appearance” is just doublespeak for “free tickets”. If those 3 did not pay to attend then logically the Cavs organisation did. If someone wanted to save face they could anonymously put out presser and say, it’s not like we paid to be there, in fact they paid FOR us.
>Someone at WWE sees LeBron in an Undertaker shirt and an Ultimate Warrior shirt. He’s just copying lil Wayne because he has no aesthetic of his own.>WWE slave makes a call to the Cavs>Hey guy, saw LeBron loves wrestling can we get a few tickets for the game and maybe get Undertaker backstage? He’s a huge basketball fan All it takes to get comped tickets is a phone call. WWE tried to use those comps to promote their own shit, which teams don’t have a problem with usually but LeBron is autistically protective of his brand and image. He’s never taken a picture with a white person that wasn’t involved with basketball and that’s a shoot. He’s famous for not seeing anyone at games. You have to go through Klutch and his people. Guy doesn’t want to end up the front page of the Warrior foundation, he’s the biggest sports star on the planet. You think the Cavs paid gay old Undertaker to show up there knowing all this and decided not to tell him? Was it a rib?