>>6432761HHH was never ever a draw, in 1999 per TV appearence Triple H drew a average of 152,000 viewers for his matches and segments despite being featured more on-screen than any other wrestler or screen character in the entire company that year which inflated his total numbers by a insane amount. Here's a list of wrestlers who all pulled higher viewership figures on average than gaytch that year
>Angle - 269.8k>Edge - 179k>Christian - 182k>Ivory - 214k>Sable - 516k>Stephanie - 211k>Austin - 265k>Shane - 218k>Michaels - 269k>Hardy Boyz - 196k>Jericho - 155k>Rock - 165k >Chyna - 208k>Taker - 251k>Bret - 182k>Vince - 298kThe people who did less than HHH in WWE were, the APA, Too Cool, Kane, Mankind, Mark Henry, Owen, Val Venis and the Mean Streat Posse