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Why the hate for trans wrestlers?

No.6434237 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any legitimate reason for trans women not to wrestle with cis women?

Outside of people being morally outraged that someone on their TV is trans, it's all a work, right? Why can't a trans woman work with a cis female wrestler when intergender stuff happens all the time?

Does this even actually have an effect on whether anyone watches anything? It seems to elicit whining from the usual suspects (online maga types), but I cant actually see people boycotting a show because a woman they refuse to call a woman is on it. As someone with experience in the real world dealing with that kind of stuff I guarantee most people either do not care or are pretty supportive, especially among the younger crowd feds seem to want to cater to. Not to mention all the storyline opportunities and ways to convey overcoming bs the incredibly rare asshole tends to throw your way. Idk it just seems like a missed opportunity because people are afraid of poking the hornets nest of angry old men who watch wrestling.