>>6453851>>AndradeTrained by CMLL
>>BandidoTrained by CMLL
>>Dragon LeeTrained by CMLL
>>Rey FenixBotching machine
>>PentagonHe's based, I'll give you that
>>DralisticoTrained by CMLL
>>RushTrained by CMLL
>:VikingoLagartija parada
>>Aero StarHasn't been relevant in so much years it's not even funny
>>Psycho ClownTrained by CMLL, too much of a shitter so he had to leave
>>Black TaurusHe's ok
>>Laredo KidHe's good also but he's always bussy doing reality shows or some shit like that
CMLL can unironically produce enough good luchadores to fill both his own roster and Triple A's
Soberano, Atlantis jr, Templario, Angel de Oro, Barbaro Cavernario, they are as good as it gets and if they ever leave CMLL will just replace them and move on