>>6467865Jade and the baddies should not wear anything at all while wrestling. Jade should adopt have an ancient Greek attitude to celebrating the perfection of the body and insist on wrestling all her matches completely naked covered in oil, and insist that her challengers must be nude as well. For television she agrees to wear minimal body paint but on PPV she is completely uncensored.
Her title feuds are defined by her opponents' reactions and attitude to their nudity; Americans like Anna Jay, Skye Blue and Britt Baker are humiliated and get squashed quickly, people from other countries where nudity is less of a big deal and topless/nude beaches are more popular like Hayter, Rosa, Storm and Conti have an easier time but are clearly thrown off by it and Jade beats them without much difficulty. Finally Statlander comes out naked on her own accord to challenge Jade, saying that on Andromeda nobody wears clothes, and she takes the title off Jade and her confidence with her nudity inspires Anna Jay, Skye Blue, Toni Storm, and a newly face Hayter to join her nudist faction, which eventually encompasses nearly the entire women's division like when most of WCW was in the NWO, launching a new golden age of coom in wrestling.