>>6484435It won't happen because they'd be portrayed as a heel and most people are too thin-skinned to present their ideas in the face of adversity. Not everybody is a based as Daniel Bryan, who was willing to play a caricature of his own beliefs on WWE television and get booed for spreading a pro-environmentalism message. Real professionals understand that it's just business, and people who actually believe what they say don't get defensive and childish when told they're wrong.
Is it impossible? No I don't think it's impossible. Just unlikely. First you have to find an openly Republican wrestler, which is more common than other media industries but still probably not 50% or performers. Then he has to actually be good at his job like Jericho or AJ. Then he has to not already be in the middle of an ongoing story.
And most damning of all, there has to be a likable enough face who goes over in the end to make this all worth it. That simply does not exist.