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No.6508603 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Kenny talks shit about ospreay for no reason randomly in interviews
>Ospreay responds talking shit back and making fun of Kenny’s finisher
>makes a shirt poking fun at Kenny
>Kenny and aew bitch and cry throwing a cease and desist
>ospreay calls the obvious hypocrisy out that they can copy the kliq get a C&D and still make fun of it but he can’t for some reason
>Ospreay calls out the obvious bs that Kenny and the young cucks can’t take the heat they dish out
>tells Omega that he only won a jr title in all Japan and had a good match with kota meanwhile at the same age Ospreay has won everything in NJPW kenny dreamed of and more
>Calls kenny a crying corporate bitch that’s mad aew can’t book Omegas wishes of joshi and has nxt guys in main events with random rappers
Yeah I’m thinking I’m a WillGOD now, Kenny has turned into what he hates fuck that one winged bitch