I drive the city bus (don't worry, I'm white) and at a stop today, this kid didn't have exact change. Normally, I just let them scam me and ride for free, but this kid was wearing a "Mox" (AEW) shirt. So I asked him to step off the bus and he called me a "crusty nigger" (reminder I'm white).
So I put the bus in park, stand up, and punt him right in the face sending spiraling out the bus door. I grabbed the broken rail pipe i had under my chair and then proceed to beat this AEW faggot so fucking hard in the ribs they turned to mush and he was crying like a bitch. Then I shoved the steel bar in his mouth like a dick and said, "suck my crusty nigger dick, you all petite tranny boy!". Then he had a brain hemorrhage and died.