I really tried and I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he over-achieved, but it just always comes off as a guy who could do all the right things but still suck hard. He's good on the mic, but he's a bad promo. Nothing he has said is all that memorable, and often, his angles fall to nonsense and nobody leaves better. In-Ring... man, 17 years in and he's still clunky and slow as he was when he started. None of his shit looks like it would do anything to another human being. I think the only guy he could heem is Phil, and everyone can do that.
>Keith Lee
Slow, clunky, cringe normie anime shit, talks like a fucking idiot trying to sound smarter than he really is. I'm actually glad Tony signed him because it finally exposed him for being a useless fuck. He only got hype because all the other PWG guys started working NJPW. Never will understand what people saw in him.
Everytime she comes out to complete silence, I'm reminded that the WWE spent as much time on her as they have on Reigns in trying to get her over. Clunky in the ring, can't run the ropes, can't land her signature spot, promos are robotic, negative charisma, disgusting to look at, has to get all her shit in and completely overpushed.
Most of above ring true for Nattie, but she's been there even longer and managed to do nothing. I can't wait for people to pretend she mattered around HoF time. Got mogged by her PAWG sister so hard that she bogged herself to oblivion and barely resembles a human being.