>>6569713>It seems the only requirement to being a ''''good'''' women's wrestler is being ugly, because smarks will pretend these shitters are good then say girls like Mandy, Lacey and Liv etc. that never botch simple moves and wrestling routines like this can't wrestle.Culture has changed significantly in the last 10-15 years, across every aspect, from one of aspiration to one of "identification". People have been so indoctrinated by certain talking points that they no longer want characters, stories, or even celebrities they can look up to and aspire to one day be like. They want characters and people who already look like and remind them of themselves and stories which reassure their personal fantasy that they're already perfect and the reason their life sucks and they're miserable is everyone else's fault, especially those formerly admired people. Hence why anyone who is admired also has to prostrate themselves or get torn down.
Ambition and a desire to improve yourself to be more like your heroes are considered bad now.
So of course they like unattractive wrestlers who do flashy shit badly over attractive wrestlers who are functionally effective. They're ugly marks with no attention span or work ethic who care more about shiny toys than working at their craft, doing the best they can with what they can and knowing their limits while working to improve.
Unironically don't blame the shitters in the ring, blame modern culture for loving "Just like me!" shit products ahead of "I want to be" good products.