[6 / 2 / 5]
beta male faggot wannabes who haven't amounted to shit and will never amount to shit and ARE the reason why people don't watch wrestling anymore and the reason why you faggot piece of shit nigger dyke sjw no life smarks virgins will die with this industry..
> Muh video games
> Muh Twitter
> Muh women's wrestling
> Fags
> Muh aew
> Muh trannies and equal rights
> Muh five star workrate
Nobody gives two shits about any of this u faggot piece of shit failures fucking failures..only truly dumb piece of shit faggots could ever confuse something as dumb and as stupid as fake wrestling, big guys on steroids and drugs in ridiculous storylines is what wrestling is meant to be once again only a fucking IDIOT would confuse that
> Muh video games
> Muh Twitter
> Muh women's wrestling
> Fags
> Muh aew
> Muh trannies and equal rights
> Muh five star workrate
Nobody gives two shits about any of this u faggot piece of shit failures fucking failures..only truly dumb piece of shit faggots could ever confuse something as dumb and as stupid as fake wrestling, big guys on steroids and drugs in ridiculous storylines is what wrestling is meant to be once again only a fucking IDIOT would confuse that