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No.6663746 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
*UK DnB plays*
Yo, check it, today I is at the headquarters of the All Elite Resslin. You know, the blokes that is avin a go at each ova because they fancy one anuva but society won't allow it so they pretend they is knockin each ova about... HEAR ME NOW

*Ali is wrestling, Ali is wrestling song plays*

Booyakasha. Yo. Respect.
*fist bumps Tony*
Today, I am here wit da man, da legend, Tony Khan. Respect, ight.

>TK: Nice to meet you.

Respect. Is it true that AEW actually is numba one of all da resslin companies?

>TK: We do very well in our demos and our projected growth is looking better by the day.

...For real. Then why is it that you can't get milly?

>TK: I'm sorry?

Milly, like million.

>TK: I... I don't follow, haha.

Million people watching they telly, innit

>TK: Well, first of all the ratings can be deceiving because --

Ah... Ah...!

>TK: What?

Is you tryna work me? Is you tryna make me fink you a bad guy or somefink?

TK: Haha, no actually I --

>I'm flattered but I'm not into other blokes, m8.

TK: What?

>You is tryna work me into having a match with you and I don't fancy blokes, m8.

>TK: What is the purpose of this interview?

So is everybody in All Elite Resslin a batty boy or is it just the ones we see on telly...

*TK walks off*
*UK DnB plays where WHERE IS THE MILLY lyrics*