Is there a bigger work in all of human history than organised religion. I mean ya gotta give it to them. All those priests and rabbis and druids and shamans, all of em working the marks outta their dimes and politicking themselves to the top of the promotion wherever they went. And when I say these marks are worked I'm talking fuckin WORKED. So worked they work themselves into a shoot over the tiniest things. Then they start shooting on eachother because they're such worked ass little mark bitches they don't even know it's all fake.
Ya gotta give to the holy men, gotta give it to the witch doctors and the gurus keepin kayfabe after all this time and they're still workin the marks brother. And if you're not getting worked by the big league feds like christianity or islam maybe you're getting worked into thinkin you're a wiccan or some cringe ass malakai black shit. Best part is I can shoot on ya right here and tell ya it's a work and it just works ya harder. I'm exposin the business right in front of ya and ya STILL start working yourself into a seething sputtering ding dong diddly shoot every fuckin time. Ain't no mark like a religion mark brother. It's still real to them dammit.