>>6845827So god created me to be “evil” on purpose, with me having no choice in the matter whatsoever, meaning he doomed an otherwise innocent being to eternal punishment for no reason other than to make an example of what not to be (something I could only be in the first place because god made me that way), meaning god is actually evil and I am good
Ok, so you’re a retard. Cool. Next.
>>6846031>humans created the gay identityBut god would have to create humans with the foreknowledge that humans would create the gay identity. Therefore god created homosexuality. See how it works now? You can’t escape the logical trap
>>6846479>Satan can create tooBut god created Satan, and did so with total foreknowledge and total control over everything that Satan would go on to do and create in turn. Therefore God deliberately created evil and homosexuality
How low IQ are you that you keep going around in this logical circle, totally missing the point? This is such a basic concept and your brain just can’t grasp it