>>6894675Ok anon. Pay close attention and take notes.
The first thing before understanding workrate is understanding basic psychology. Unless it's a squash or a pseudo-squash, the most rudimentary version of it is a back-and-forth match. There is what I call "the equilibrium of dominance". When Wrestler A performs some moves on B, after some time, B will reverse it an go for some of his own moves, and so on.
Workrate is seen when you can distinctly see that a match can be broken down to sub-segments, called phases or layers, usually ended by big spots and wrestlers selling.
An example is Shawn/Taker WM 25 where beginning to Taker suicide dive is phase 1, the outside countout fakeout is phase 2, upto Shawn Tombstone kick out is phase 3, upto connected Sweet Chin Music is phase 4 and the rest is phase 5 (or the climax). You'll clearly see sub-matches like this within a match itself and then you'll know it's good workrate.