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The truth hurts but the fact of the matter is this man was the worst choice of booker for WWE (excluding T*ny K*hn, who is busy destroying his own reputation and Vince Russo). Time in time again, Paul has proven to be a failure both in front of the camera and behind it, and his last attempt at booking lead to the failure of the Black & Gold Era of NXT. I want to enjoy the Paul Regime, I want to watch good quality sports entertainment each week, but the fact remains that every week since Paul took over the WWE has only gotten worse.
Vince McMahon lead this company to the point where "WWE" is a synonym for "pro-wrestling" and every week we are seeing less and less of Vince's influence. Bruce Pritchard, Jim Cornette, Jeff Jarret, Johnny Ace, Jimmy Hart, Kenny Bolin, Jerry Lawler, Michael Hayes all could of continuted Vince McMahon's vision for WWE but instead they chose an eternal failure.
Vince McMahon lead this company to the point where "WWE" is a synonym for "pro-wrestling" and every week we are seeing less and less of Vince's influence. Bruce Pritchard, Jim Cornette, Jeff Jarret, Johnny Ace, Jimmy Hart, Kenny Bolin, Jerry Lawler, Michael Hayes all could of continuted Vince McMahon's vision for WWE but instead they chose an eternal failure.