>>6967570Rosa got "injured" after being their worst women's champion ever who is constantly criticised for being lazy and sloppy in the ring, hurting people, being a massive pain backstage and running off viewers with her shit wrestling and promos. She hid in a toilet at the tv tapings because she was scared of her coworker and now we have another interim belt, she was scheduled to drop the title so she's clearly being difficult about it.
Kingston tried to talk to Sammy Guevara about their programme and Sammy ingored him. Sammy then complained about Eddie's promo and wouldn't talk to kingstong about it. Sammy then cut a promo calling Kingston fat and Kingston was annoyed because calling him fat means that when Kingston wins they are both buried because some fat guy beat this faggot. Sammy again ignored him and refused to listen when right beside him so Kingston got mad and pie faced Sammy and got suspended for it. Sammy then publicly made a statement blaming Kingston on everything, making himself look like a massive dickhead and this was after backstage outrage about guys shooting about personal issues and a meeting about backstage shit.