>>6992121>she's attractive but not threatening or a bimbo, and actually being a dentist is marketable and respectable.How does that make her marketable? O"h she's attractive, but not too hot." Do you hear yourself nigger? No wonder wrestling is shit these days. Bimbos stand out, it's just that Americans are gay and think sexy are evil. Bimbos are far more marketable worldwide though, which is the audience that gayew claims to want, but doesn't seem to know how to attain at all because all they do is cater to intertet twitter trannies & reddit nerds.
Wrestlers are supposed to be larger than life, not relatable.
The dentist thing isn't marketable at all you stupid shit. I agree that Britt is the best or most marketable bitch that gayew has, but it's mostly due to her bitchy mean girls personality. She even has the clique. Ain't nobody gives a fuck that she's a dentist though. It works for her, because she's smug & to the point that her dentist profession just comes off like a gimmick, similar to Irwin R Shyster. That's the thing though, IRS was a lower midcard act and that's basically what Britt is. She's the top dawg because everyone else is shit.