>>7003334>>7003299I didn't mention any of those things like flips.
I simply said this probably isn't the greatest match ever.
This match was the best match on a shit Wrestlemania that didn't draw.
It's a great WWF wrestling match.
But it's not better than Hogan vs Rock or Austin vs Rock 1 and 2 because those matches drew way more dimes. Those programs drew way higher buyrates and generated way more interest. I said exactly what is true. This match launched Steve Austin into the stratosphere and brought in the edgier show. It wasn't long after this that the new stage came in, the new logo came in, and the entire presentation began to change. All of that is true. But that doesn't mean it's the greatest match of all time. It simply was a very good match that made Steve Austin, who was a man that took the business to the next level. Something Bret Hart failed to do.