>Hitler over Sheamus
Might be dimes, however Sheamus should seriously consider suicide at this point given the fact his "illustrious" wrestling career, spanning 20 years has culminated in an IC match against a dude who just graduated from wrestling school. Walter's going over, btw, in case you missed the first line. As he should, because Sheamus is a hopeless dimeless shitter
>Rollins vs. Riddle
Who goes over? Who cares? Riddle shoud go back to UFC and Rollins should contemplate joining Sheamus in hell. What a waste of talent spent putting over actual trashcans who will amount to nothing.
>Six woman tag team match
Exactly what I'd do in my booking sim game when I have 6 wrestlers and I have nothing to do with them or care what happens to them, but I need to book at least 5 matches to continue playing.
>Liv over Shania Twain
It's fine. Liv retains, so why bother?
>Reigns squashes Drew clean at home, rapes his family and muders his children in record breaking time.
Why would anyone buy this as a legitimate main event? It would barely count as a mid match on a random SmackDown. It's obvious WWE couldn't give a rat's fucking ass about the UK, but you could have at least booked something compelling to watch. Why would I waste my time watching this filler garbage?