The card for this weekend's show.
It's a Sunday 6PM night show at FACE.
No PPV link released yet.
Main event is H2D vs. Chin Crushers for the tag titles.
Full Seikigun combination in a long time for a 8-man versus a random team (+ Amikura).
Ram to have her head kicked off in the opener versus AKINO.
Sepetember 11th, 2022
Shinjuku FACE
Tokyo, Japan
4. OZ Academy Tag Team Championship Match:
Hiroyo Matsumoto(c) & Rina Yamashita(c) vs. Sonoko Kato & Ryo Mizunami
3. 8-Person Tag Match:
Mayumi Ozaki, Yumi Ohka, Maya Yukihi & Saori Anou vs. Yuu, Kakeru Sekiguchi, Itsuki Aoki & Rina Amikura
2. Tag Match:
Aja Kong & Kaori Yoneyama vs. Tsubasa Kuragaki & Momoka Hanazono
1. Single Match:
AKINO vs Ram Kaichou