>>7061392>be kirt >keep bragging about the various cybercrimes you're committing>in reality you're just taking responsibility for the work of actual hackers who are more than happy to let you take the heat off them>stay up for 48 hours straight smoking meth, rolling around on the floor and screaming in pain like a complete maniac>get gangraped by furries at an anime convention>your wife flees the country with your child to get away from you>make a tiktok where you continue to antagonise the law by boasting about hackjobs that you didn't actually do>eventually the feds show up an seize all of your electronic devices>numerous phones, PCs and servers presumably filled to the brim with CP>you didn't actually do the crime they're accusing you of but now they're almost definitely going to charge with posession of child porn>if you weren't a glowie asset already then you sure as fuck are now>get used as a stool pigeon in exchange for your freedom>eventually the feds run out of uses for you and finally lock you up as a sex offender>get raped by niggers every single day>dead at age 37 by shooting yourself twice in the back of the headYep that's a KWAB for me. Couldn't happen to a nicer fella.