MMA, Boxing and most Fighting Promotions all rely on Good Sportsmanship.
Good Sportsmanship is doing it for the Sport, throw your best out there and don't break the rules, completely aware that you are in a Protected Fight Setting.
Why do you think there are MMA Fighters that have lost Bar Fights, its not because they're bad fighters, or poorly trained, and it isn't because the average man is better trained out there in the street, its cause there's some motherfuckers out there that have been involved in much more actual unprotected Fights and they have experience letting themselves loose to hurt other people in fights in the Street where nobody is going to jump in to save you and you are allowed to use anything to hurt your opponent, its a different mindset than winning a match with rules, actual brawls between two heated individuals don't have the privilege of a ref and are a pretty nasty thing to experience if you happen to encounter just the right guy that wants to fuck you up.
Im not saying MMA fighters aren't tough as shit, or not trained fuck somebody up, but sometimes, some people have their head in the right place to fight with no rules at all.
Get a clue.