>>7149846KWAB contenders 2022
1. Vince McMahon, sullying his legacy by paying millions in company funds to whores and kwabbing himself out of his company.
2. Gresham, midget thought he was the top guy for holding a zombie company title, defends it in the gayest match ever put on TV to sink all his credibility, gets super salty after losing belt to ex-wwe guy.
3. CM Punk, fumbling title belt in the first weeks, politicking the locker room to death, returning and becoming the antithesis of all the workers rights, respecting your colleagues, and exposing himself to be a bitter whiny baby trying to take over the company in an unprovoked rant after a PPV.
4. AEW destroying itself from within, being a useless belt factory...
What else? Feel free to suggest more or add.
If there is a major release spree added to Cody, Fish , Tommy End already leaving and the rumoured asking for release by Miro and others it will maybe rank AEW over Vince but unless it downright bellyflops you can't top Vince.