>>7152815Tony's a terrible combination of two things: a spineless coward and a money mark. Tony's an autist who grew up reading the Observer and idolizes the early 2000s indy scene and specifically the first three or four years of Ring of Honor. Punk was a huge part of that so Tony is basically going to allow Punk to walk all over him because he's too much of a fanboy to tell him to get fucked. Punk, having been around forever, knows this and is going to take full advantage of it.
The locker room knows it and they're going to lose any and all respect for Tony (if they haven't already) and faith in the company when they realize it's ran by such a giant geek. WWE, right now, is actually looking like the better option due to the change in leadership so when contracts start coming up you'll have guys go there or just go back and command bigger fees on the indies.
>Personally, I think this is a situation that can be resolved if everyone put an honest effort into doing soThe problem with this thought is that one of the parties involved is Punk. What, in his entire history, could make someone believe that he'd put any effort into resolving this? He's a petty prick who inevitably burns every bridge and ruins every friendship because he holds stupid, lifelong grudges over every perceived slight. He's never going to get over this and the actual answer is that either Punk goes or the Elite goes. Tony is too much of a pussy to fire Punk and I don't see the Elite (i.e. the Bucks) going anywhere willingly either. So this will just continue to fester and create a shitty backstage atmosphere.