>>7180279Yuta's had a couple of small things, he doesn't need to be involved in a huge thing, he should be doing the occasional angle that lasts 2-3 weeks. They both should imo. Small stuff that gives you the little moments that get people interested and add up to people wanting to see more.
>Decide to leave best friends>Try to hang with BCC>Earn their respect in defeat>Bait Jericho into giving you a match by attacking his ego>Lose but have a good go and show you're a bit wily under the surface.With some multi-man appearances in between. Garcia meanwhile is being shoved into main event matches with Danielson and on screen constantly and is doing less with all the screen time than Yuta did with his smaller stories. Hell this entire story so far has basically had the same result as Yuta's initial 3-week one. He gained the respect of a member of the BCC, good job.
>>7180291That stuff also could work. Pure should NOT be defended on TV.