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>ROMAN! You outsmarted me this time again. I took you on the title match, I fought of 5 Usos, 3 Sokoas, 2 Solos, 4 Rikishis. 2 Sikas, 3 Afas, and 2 Zayns. I did not know there was 21st member of the bloodline hidden and waiting to cheat for you. >You are lucky that referee just watched all that on the side before he counted to three. I can't argue with the rules you won. I will get to you soon! Some day you will run out of relatives, maybe. >BUT Sikasolo Rikahshi, I want you to a match tonight. You cost me my title. Tonight I will challenge you all alone to a 1 on 1 match where you bring 10 Bloodline members to the ring side. This will be a fair match I am sure.
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>>7196379 kek do an old man edit on the photo and this is perfect
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>>7196379 why don't you just use your sword Drew
>ROMAN REIGNS! Who could have guessed you'd find more relatives to interfere with our match at WWE first ever SAMOA SLAM in Apia. Not only did I fight 200,000 Bloodline Samoans in our title match but you took your gun and shot me in front of the referee before you pinned me. Who am I to dispute the champions advantage. I will get you later. >To those 200, 000 samoans now in the bloodline and in the WWE roster. I challenge you to a 1 on 200, 000 fight, RIGHT NOW! You don't step on DREW MCINTYRE
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>>7196379 drew should call up the clan and they can have a new random in a kilt come out every week, they can even have a comedy bagpipe guy
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>>7196379 >Roman you beat me by cheating, next time I will destroy you >Now everybody SWEEEEEEET CAROLINE Anonymous
>>7196481 >I'm am back Roman. You think you might have had my number when you put me out for 2 months after gang raping me in front of the WWE universe in No Way Out. >I was held down by so many Samoans while you took turns violating me with your extended family in front of the referee. But it wasn't losing the title opportunity, again. It wasn't getting Angela shoved up my buttocks by Paul Heyman that costed me the match. It wasn't the internal bleeding. It was the lack of support of the WWE universe. >That's right, the 60.000 cheering fans in the audience, I am disappointed that no matter what Roman does, you keep cheering him and pointing your fingers in the sky like trained monkeys. I am coming for you and everyone who bought the Bloodline Raping of Drew memorial shirt. Tonight I'm challenging you to a 1 on 60.000 match, I'm sure it will be a fair match and no Samoans will jump me. Anonymous
>>7196839 Why does everything turn into gay rape fanfiction on /pw/
>>7196972 Because its funny and absurd. There wasn't much else to up the ante after taking on the whole islands of Samoa. And its metaphor for what poor Drew is getting with being involved with Roman. Reigns is too protected and he walks predictably into it every time and everytime Roman comes out and the audience is there "acknowledging" him and buying shirts. It's so god damn boring. I'm really happy Kross is there to drag him out of the Samoan snore.
>>7196972 does it make you uncomfortable? lets explore that.
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>>7197019 >does it make you uncomfortable? Yes, very
>>7197000 >Is happy to see kross Why?
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>>7197810 Because it lets Drew fight someone else than a gang of Samoans, duh.