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No.7203355 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You wanna know something brother? The Hulkster's starting to question if this 9/11 gimmick is a work dude! Katherine Smith worked for the C.I.A and got arrested for selling fake ID's to 5 Arab men! You wanna know something else brother? Katherine's car was doused in lighter fluid and she died 1 day before she was supposed to go to trial dude! And those 5 Arabs? Let me tell you something Brother! They didn't do jack to these muzzy pieces of shit dude! 1 of them had a pass to the world trade center on 9/1/01, he said he owned a plumbing company brother! But the multiple phone #'s and address only led to his private home dude! When they stood trial some higher up jabroni mark sent out a letter saying these shitskins did plumbing at the WTC, despite others saying they were unaware of this fact dude! And if you think that stuff's crazy brother, let me tell you something about building 7 dude!