Can I use this as the family problems thread? This just happened about 25-30 minutes ago.
>attempting to keep myself calm in order to keep my blood pressure as low as I can
>mom feels like I’m in a bad mood, asks me what’s wrong
>tell her nothing is wrong, I’m just trying to keep myself calm to minimize the impact of stress on my blood pressure
>she says okay
>a few minutes later
>my mom asks me what’s wrong
>give her the same explanation as earlier
>this isn’t good enough for her, she starts pressing me more
>restate my explanation for the third time
>mom keeps going, starts saying that my blood pressure will be high regardless
>I say I know, I’m just trying to stop it from being even higher than it has to be
>mom keeps repeating herself and ignores all of my explanations, keeps insisting that I don’t understand her and just want to win the argument
>turns into a full blown screaming match based on her own insecurities and anger built on things that have nothing to do with my blood pressure or the original conversation
>stressed out even worse now than I was before the argument
I can’t take this anymore, it’s been like this my entire life. Any time I try to explain myself or express my feelings I’m told to shut the fuck up or I get screamed at. I’m tired of it.
All I wanted to do was try to keep myself calm. That’s all I wanted to do.