>Hangtroon seethes about Christian
>Christian gets Hangman spot at All Out 2021
>Hangtroon tells /pw/ Hangman is the only one to beat Kenny
>Christian goes over on Rampage and wins the Impact World Title
>Hangtroon tells /pw/ Christian is anti dimes
>Heel Christian carries the show for weeks after Hangman jobbed to Phil
>Hangtroon gloats about Christian jobbing to Jungle Boy in the future
>Christian goes over in a squash and leaves due to an injury, preventing Jungle Boy from getting his win back.
>Hangtroon keeps seething about Christian-posting
>It's revealed Christian is smashing Britt and cashing a big fat pay-check while Hangman is back with dork order and jobbing in a World title tournament, all while his elite friends are suspended for fighting with Punketty