>>7279588They don't. Richard Dawkins is probably the most outspoken atheist there is and he's been made persona non grata by the woke mob for talking just as much shit about Islam as he does Christianity. Also the chicks in this tweet are feminists, not necessarily atheist. In fact I'd wager very feminists are true atheists nowadays because atheism isn't trendy enough anymore and most feminists believe in astrology, wicca and magic crystals. In fact if you're a man and you express any degree of skepticism in their whimsical magical bullshit then they will immediately label you a misogynist because why else wouldn't you believe in starsigns?
I'm an atheist myself and I can say with confidence: fuck Christians, fuck Muslims, fuck Jews, fuck pajeets, fuck feminists, fuck astrology, fuck homeopathy, fuck bitches who larp as witches, fuck jannies, fuck niggers and fuck (You).