>>7299274It started in the early 2010s with Amazing Red and Petey Williams' Canadian Destroyer and guys like Teddy Hart and Jack Evans. But those guys also got shit on for being spotmonkeys. The real turning point was in the 2010s when Meltzer, who's always been into spotfests, got into PWG combined with social media really taking off. This allowed people to share gifs on twitter and then Reddit to largue audiences of others who were impressed by flippydoos.
This combined with a lot of modern wrestlers being nerds who wanted praise from Dave so they found that adding pointless flips and other "athletic" stuff and doing choreographed gymnastics exhibitions meant your shit got shared and went went viral which meant better bookings which meant getting on PWG's/Meltzer's radar which meant he'd start giving your matches high snowflakes which meant even better bookings.