Worked midcard in childhood and teens as someone who can always be relied on to fit in anywhere as needed. Over with the boys but zero pussy.
Lower card in twenties, BTFO and buried in my mid twenties. Buried by the boys and no pussy. Future endeavoured by multiple companies. Got past depression gimmick.
Worked my way up on the indies, found Christ, got a clue, lost over 80lbs, looking to lose another 40lbs for a total of 120lbs, set up my own business making more than I did in any other previous job, able to afford a car and my own place. Not perfect, but I'm getting there brother.
Went from depressed drug addicted fat loser like Jake or Scott, saved by Christ, now I'm working the 2002 Shawn Michaels run or Jeff Jarrett TNA gimmick as the boss of my own fed.