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>I find it amusing that /pw/ doesn't like me. I've looked at the analytics and I'm the number one person discussed in both r/SquaredCircle and /pw/. It's amusing to me and I find it amusing that I'm over on both boards but there are some out there that say I'm a cheap imitation or Vince. Ask Jerry McDevitt, I beat fucking Smackdown. I am the world champion. I've got a lot more money than the /pw/ mods, and Triple H better fucking be on his best game because AEW will put WWE out of business. I've already proven Jim Cornette and The "Great" Brian Last wrong. It's amusing to me a fucking loser incel will post about me on /pw/ but can't even touch a woman irl. Look at me, I get pussy non stop. I make stars here. Wardlow, Yuta, Daniel mother fucking Garcia, MJF, these are MY creations. MY stars. Fuck /pw/.