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Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels stink

No.7407090 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's be honest now, they never drew a dime, they had no character, they were overall boring, it's not a shock that:
1. WWF was in dire financial situation when these assholes were the top """"stars"""", thank God for Stone Cold, Mick Foley and The Rock, because WWF would have gone out of business
2. Whenever you ask an obese smelly workrate-worshipping smarks "who's your favorite all time wrestler?!", they all say either Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels
>b-b-but what about their great workrate!
It's boring as hell, Goldberg's squash matches against jobbers are more entertaining than 30 minute resthold "5 star" bullshit lol