>>7521036I really doubt the number of people they claimed to have died of covid. I had a 70 year old neighbor who slipped on her stairs in the middle of winter, fell, and die. I talked with her kids and the city has listed covid as cause of death. That's like one person I knew, but then I kept seeing stories like that all over the internet and it really made me start to question the whole covid narrative. Plus when I got the vax they told me that it would prevent me from getting covid, which it didn't. Then they said it was to prevent you from getting the symptoms, but I did. Then they said is to prevent you from spreading it, but people who got the vax were still infectious. Then they finally settled on saying it lessened the symptoms. The way they kept shifting the goal posts and all these reports about vaccine injuries that they kept hushing up until a couple of months ago is kind of worrying.
I'm not saying the whole covid angle was a work, but I do think that a lot of what the government and the medical industry was saying was just straight out lies and half truths, and now that they can't keep it under wraps any more they are washing their hands and shifting blame.