>>7545632Not a joshi fan but do have some vague awareness of it from spending a lot of time here and not filtering their threads.
Mina is probably the hottest one I've seen and even she is deeply flawed as a total package given that she has no ass.
One whose name I can't remember right now but her nickname was jumbo princess has a pretty face.
Suruga Mei is pretty good looking in some photos I've seen though doesn't really stand out from the average joshi in others.
Giulia is pretty good looking but is half white so doesn't really count.
There is not a single attracrive joshi other than those. Some that I've seen memed as hot like Io and Unagi are straight up ugly though Io looks a bit better on Raw than she did before.
Also almost forgot Anchamu, amazing ass. Standard alien look otherwise though.
Anyway yeah that's my perception of joshi as a non-joshi fan that likes Asian girls but not the vast majority of the ones in wrestling.