WWE has had a few based moments in the past decade or more, but very few and far between.
And here's the kicker...most of them weren't Vince's idea, they happened only when others pushed and pleaded.
>Roman's heel turn and reign of terror
One hell of an improvement for both Roman and the product (even if it's stale now) comapred to 6 years of failing to get him over as a face. But not Vince's idea, Roman had to come up with this idea with Heyman and pitch to to Vince. Vince's plan would have been to keep on pushing Roman as a babyface lol.
>Seth cashing in at WM 31, cucking Roman
Based idea, but you know it wasn't Vinces, other had to pitch it and beg Vince to go with it because they knew Roman wasn't over. And Vince only relented and allowed it because the agreed to endgame was for Seth to finally drop it to Roman at WM 32 anyway.
>Punk and MITB 2011
As much as I hate cuckman phil, this was a based moment and the right decision for the time. Was it even Vince's idea though, or again did he have to be convinced of it? Also wasn't even as based as it could have been because it was eventually ruined by Gaytch and Nash etc.
Going back further, you'd have to say
>going all in on Cena and Batista in 2005
The right move for sure. But was it truly a 'great' idea?
Going back even further you get to the Attitude Era.
>Austin vs McMahon feud, turning himself into the arch onscreen villain
So yeah, basically Punk and MITB if it was his idea, or if not, then Austin vs McMahon 98. That's how shit of a booker he is. Most of the great stuff WWE has had wasn't even his idea, it was others' and he simply lucked out by occasionally rolling with it intead of his own shit ideas.