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Who's going over, BROTHERS?

No.7572048 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>reasons Okada will win
- Japanese autism for tradition
- especially now that Inoki has died, strong urge for the good guy and FOTC to triumph at WK

>reasons Jay will win
- Okada just had babby, most likely wants paternity leave to bond with babby and help waifu
- if NJPW has their ear to the ground they will know that even their ardent suporters feel the product is stale right now, and may be inspired by the chaos of AEW in comparison enoughto try to play catchup and roll the dice with Jay retaining. It would be a Triple H retaining at WM 2000 type moment, but it might be the shot in the arm the company needs
- ^ especialy considering it's Jay White. Any other gaijin they wouldn't do this for. Definitely not Ospreay. Not even Omega. But Jay is home grown, a young lion, they love him. If ever they were gonna elevate a gaijin to unprecendented heights, it would be Jay, and now is the perfect time.