>>7613332The Colt Cabana stuff was a shoot. The stuff about the EVPs was a worked shoot. He thought that if he mentioned real shit before changing the subject to The Elite, it would seem more real. That's why he mentioned Colt literally out of nowhere. As for mentioning The Elite, Page, and MJF, Punk knew he was going to have to feud with them as champ so he wanted to make their inevitable on screen animosity seem real. Problem was, the EVPs got worked into a shoot, and took legit offense to it, causing the scuffle that got everyone involved suspended.
That, or he's just a complete fucking retard hothead and absolutely can't let shit go, so he felt the need to seethe about Colt out of nowhere, and absolutely bury the company that is paying him millions to be a broken down shitter of a champion who literally gets injured every time he wins the strap. It was a shoot and he did it because he knew he was injured again and was pissed. Dude unironically needs to drink a fucking beer and stop sperging out so unprofessionally.
There's also the possibility that the whole thing is a work, but I doubt they would keep their top guys off TV like this and strip their titles just to keep kayfabe.