>>7618592Because they're an underevolved plague on humanity. If you got rid of America's spics and jiggaboos we'd have the violent crime rate of a white western European country. They ruin our education system by it having to be dumbed down enough to get these apes to pass tests while reducing the quality of education everyone else gets. My daughter is bored as shit at school and is constantly regaling me with tales of niggerdry.
They ruin our cities with their filth, crime, and blight. They chimp out when one of their dindu nuffins gets himself killed fucking around with the police (watch On Patrol Live and see how stupidly they constantly behave) and get a pass to burn our cities down.
The retard commies on the west coast are giving them free passes to steal.
I could go on for hours, you self deluded ostrich. I know the sand of egalitarianism is great and noble, but it's not realistic. Pull your head out.