>>7624743I got drunk one night, and I had 30 minutes to kill or something so I was browsing /pw/. I saw some exceptionally faggy post with an iphone filename, so I called him a homo. I thought this was funny, so I went to the front page and decided I would spend the next 15-20 minutes calling any post with an iphone filename a fag. Something like 10 minutes in, I started to get followed around by this guy who was calling me an idiot for thinking everyone I was attacking was the same person, even though I never made any accusations of samefagging. I was just going around calling anyone with an iphone filename a cum slurper or something to that effect. I had no idea what this guy was talking about and was too drunk to really care, so I just ignored him. Later, when I was sober, it dawned on me that this guy must have thought I was specifically targeting him and out to get him, because something like half of the posts and thread OPs I had called a faggot had been his.