[12 / 2 / 10]

Only the ranking (demo) matters according to Brandon Thurston
>"[It's] the rank," Thurston said. "That's the most straightforward way to understand this, in that, where does this show rank on its night in 18-49 among all the other shows that were on, on that day?"
>If it's still ranking highly, it's still a really valuable program. The value of telecasts on traditional TV, it's an exponential trend," Thurston stated. "By that, all the value is in the really, really highly viewed top programs. And less and less and less of the value is in anything below the top 10 or top five."
>"[It's] the rank," Thurston said. "That's the most straightforward way to understand this, in that, where does this show rank on its night in 18-49 among all the other shows that were on, on that day?"
>If it's still ranking highly, it's still a really valuable program. The value of telecasts on traditional TV, it's an exponential trend," Thurston stated. "By that, all the value is in the really, really highly viewed top programs. And less and less and less of the value is in anything below the top 10 or top five."